A Weather setback/observation

Archived from https://community.combatsim.com/topic/22675-a-weather-setbackobservation/


I was just experimenting with varying weather types within the same .wx file when I noticed that the cloud layers key off of what is shown at 1000.

To explain how the .wx files work, they are tab-delimited files that include the cloud layer types and altitudes for each two-hour timeframe (not including night).

This is the meat of the .wx file, with the first column being the time (abbreviated), then cloud type (default TAW scattered clouds display as the time, i.e. 0600), then altitude. Repeat twice to come up with three layers per time.

06	0600	3000	0600	10000	0600	12000

08	0800	3000	0800	10000	0800	12000

10	_OVC	15000	_OVC	20000	_BKN	22000


14	_BKN	3000	_BKN	10000	_BKN	12000

16	_BKN	3000	_BKN	10000	_BKN	12000

18	1800	3000	1800	10000	1800	12000

20	_BKN	3000	_BKN	10000	_BKN	12000

The weather generator reads this file and writes the information to the redxxxx.txt files as required (for cloud layers, it adds the cloud type to the clds prefix so you will see clds0600, clds_OVC, etc.). What this means is that if _BKN or _OVC are listed as the cloud types, it calls one of the custom cloud types added in 2.15 Beta 3. These clouds are specially modified cloud1m1.3 files that call new texture files in order to display solid broken or overcast layers as required.

Here’s the problem:

The TAW world seems to key on 1000 as a reference time. The world is listed as RED1000 in all mission files, and the default cloud clds1000 is referenced even when other times call for their own clouds such as clds2000 (notable exceptions being 0800 and 1400). Apparently, the clouds that display at other times must display at 1000 in order to show correctly.

Case in point: if you wish to create an overcast setting at 0600, you must also have an overcast setting at 1000. If you have a broken layer setting at 1000, then the layers that display at 0600 will appear as broken, even though the clds_OVC file has been selected. Likewise, if you select no clouds at 1000, then any other time in which you select a cloud layer will actually bring the ground up to that layer as well, and it will look like you are flying through a layer of sand. I will see about posting some screenshots later, but the important takeaway is that any weather pattern that is intended to display at any time must be on display at 1000.