An interesting find regarding the weapons loadout screen

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While googling TAW for the hell of it, I came across this review of TAW (apparently a pre-release copy) that had the following screenshot:
screenshot of Total Air War pre-release weapon loadout screen
Note that there are preconfigured loadouts that contain decoys, as well as slots on the custom loadscreen for PAVETAC (obsolete with a fully-integrated LANTIRN) and the last slot for decoy drones.

Also of note is the LANTIRN screen shows in black and white, as opposed to the full color we get.
screenshot of Total Air War pre-release LANTIRN screen

Just some interesting observations.


Good find …


Can’t see images. 😕 Maybe slow download?


Can’t see images. 😕 Maybe slow download?

Fixed. I just copied the images from the website to my photobucket account.


While googling TAW for the hell of it, I came across this review of TAW (apparently a pre-release copy) that had the following screenshot:
screenshot of Total Air War pre-release weapon loadout screen
Note that there are preconfigured loadouts that contain decoys, as well as slots on the custom loadscreen for PAVETAC (obsolete with a fully-integrated LANTIRN) and the last slot for decoy drones.

Also of note is the LANTIRN screen shows in black and white, as opposed to the full color we get.
screenshot of Total Air War pre-release LANTIRN screen

Just some interesting observations.

Like the black and white … although colour gives more information to the the pilot IMHO.
Note the AD is in a different position. Also D has become AD and A, AP. Might try turning AD and L ON for the MFD issue I’m having. Worth a try.