Light control file

Original URL:;f=64;t=001100

Archived from mikew’s private copy


When I try to run TAW in hardware mode with big dat removed, this what I get: light control file is missing. Any way to ID this file?

My effort of opening TAW with Xentax people produced the plug in which is able to open all of them, however, in compressed form and without the name. If this file (and perhaps some others) could be ID-ed by the length and directory where it suppose to be located, we could be still for a ride.


Does it say exactly that or:

Unable to find lighting control file.



It says as per your quote.


In that case the missing file is lighting.txt from the directory hwacl. I get this this information from a crude dissassembly of f22.dat.
I guess this doesn’t really help much without some sort of filename lookup table.
Although it is possible that this file may not be compressed, so if you’re lucky you could take one of the text files (containing some lighting type terms) extracted using MultiEx and rename it to lighting.txt and see what happens …
… best I can think of at the moment.


Thank you for advice. I’ll try to find that file in my Multiex folder, but not so good news that I did not even have hwacl subdirectory. Suspect that that light file could be NOT the only one missing. 🙁


Yes, also in the hwacl folder is:

In folder agp is:

There are probably other files in these folders as well whose filenames are derived from variables. I’ll keep looking.


It is hard to predict wheather by playing it more extensively under Krus’es extractor one would be able to extract all files. However, by playing yesterday some more AWAC missions I collected some new textures like U2 spy plane and F117. BTW the AWAC part of the game appears to be playing OK with or without dat file, it is when you jump in the F22 the problem starts.
Please try your best to rebuild the directories and its content, perhaps that effort by Xentax will yield some fruits now and we could ID some no name files by the length or some hint contained inside the files.