UAW Extensions

So you are a developer and you want to add something to UAW – a plane, or a new world? UAW provides an API for that!

1. Overview

  1. Basic Concepts
    Programming aspects you need to understand.

  2. Loading Extensions
    How and why UAW loads extensions the way it does.

  3. Enumerating Content
    How extensions tell UAW about the new stuff they add.

  4. Sample Extension
    A Visual C++ project for an empty extension.

2. Terrain

  1. Basic Concepts
    Programming aspects you need to understand.

  2. The UAW_Extension_Terrain Interface
    The interface

  3. Enumerating Terrain
    Making it show up in UAW

  4. Mocking the Interface
    A scenario that loads and can be flown but does absolutely nothing

  5. Rendering Terrain
    Bringing polygons to the screen.