Sample Extension

Visual Studio

  1. Download this simple Visual C++ solution for an empty extension.

  2. When first opening the solution, open the properties of the SampleExtension project. Go to Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories > General > Include Directories. Change ____INCLUDE_PATH_FOR_UAW_____ to the path where UAW API.h can be found on your system.

    You can also open SampleExtension.vcxproj in a text editor and replace that string directly.

  3. Build the extension, e.g. in Debug/x64 configuration.

  4. Copy and paste the following text to a .reg file:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    Replace ____SAMPLE_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY____ with the path where SampleExtension.vcxproj is located. (Be sure to replace single backslashes with double backslashes!)

  5. Run the .reg file, e.g. by double-clicking it, to register the sample extension with UAW.


Start UAW. The new extension should be listed under Settings > Extensions > Overview:

UAW displaying SampleExtension in its extensions list.

Note that the name and title displayed there are provided by the stringFromStringID() function as explained earlier.